
eReports Complaints Process

Complaints are a valuable source of feedback and an important tool for business and staff development. eReports is committed to the continuous improvement of our services to deliver the best outcomes for all stakeholders.

eReports will always seek to resolve an issue or concern directly and as promptly as possible for the benefit of all parties involved. We encourage you to contact our friendly and professional team on 1300 130 963 in the first instance to discuss any issues or concerns you may have.

What is a complaint?

For the purpose of this policy, eReports defines a complaint as “a generic term referring to the expression of dissatisfaction, orally or in writing, about the service or actions of eReports, associated practitioners or its staff.”


This policy does not cover:

  • Privacy Complaints

Concerns regarding any potential breaches of privacy or suspected loss of data are not considered complaints for the purposes of this policy and are managed in accordance with eReports Privacy Policy.

  • Freedom of Information requests

Enquiries concerning Freedom of information requests are not complaints for the purposes of this policy and are managed in accordance with eReports Privacy Policy. 

 eReports Privacy Policy can be viewed here.

Any privacy concerns or right to information request should be referred to the Privacy Officer who will manage the requests in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and any relevant State/Territory Privacy Acts and Regulations. The Privacy officer can be contacted via the below means:

  • Mail:

The Privacy Officer


Level 8, 459 Little Collins Street

Melbourne VIC 3000 

Lodging a complaint

Who can make a complaint?

All members of the public, customers and stakeholders are entitled to provide feedback in the form of complaints to eReports. This Complaints Policy outlines the manner in which eReports handles all complaints received. 

All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.

How complaints can be made?

Examinees who wish to lodge a complaint with eReports should first seek advice from their case manager or relevant legal or other representative and allow them to communicate their concerns or issues to eReports. eReports may be obligated to provide information about a complaint to the referring organisation.

Complaints can be received either verbally or in writing. Wherever possible, complaints should be submitted in writing so that all aspects of the complaint can be accurately investigated. The eReports Complaint Form provides an outline of what information is required when lodging a complaint.

If any concerns or issues are unable to be resolved informally, a formal complaint should be lodged with eReports as outlined below.

All written complaints should be addressed to the Complaints Officer, as follows:
Postal Address: 

Attn: Complaints Officer


Level 8, 459 Little Collins Street

Melbourne VIC 3000 


Verbal advice about making a complaint may be sought from the eReports Team on 1300 130 963.

In circumstances where the complainant:

  • Cannot lodge their complaint in writing, the receiving officer will record all information relating to the complaint
  • Is unable to speak or write in English, they may be referred to the National Translating and Interpreting Services: TIS National’s immediate phone interpreting service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year by calling 131 450. 

There are no charges to the complainant for complaints lodged with eReports.

As indicated in the eReports Complaint Form, verbal complaints should include, where possible:

  • The complainant’s name and contact details
  • Full details of the events, dates and places concerning the complaint
  • The names of others who may have witnessed or have information about the complaint
  • Any other evidence that supports the complaint
  • The desired outcome.

When creating a record of the complaint via telephone, the receiving officer shall:

  • Work through the complaint form with the complainant, listening carefully to document the complaint as dictated
  • Provide further information about the complaint management process
  • Where possible, ask the complainant to sign the complaint form or acknowledge the complaint details via email.
  • Provide the complainant with a copy of the form on request.
  • Refer the record of the complaint to the Complaints Officer for investigation.

In the instance where a complaint: 

  • constitutes official misconduct under an Act (e.g., Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 [QLD] or equivalent) or 
  • the complaint should be considered as a health practitioner regulations matter the Complaints Officer and Senior Management will take appropriate actions as is determined by the nature of the complaint. 

Anonymous Complaints

While anonymous complaints are not encouraged, they are accepted. They may be lodged either in writing or accepted by an employee as an oral statement. Complainants are encouraged to provide as much information as possible which may be of assistance when investigating the complaint. It should, however, be noted that an anonymous complaint might be more difficult to investigate as, for example, further details of the circumstances relating to the complaint might be difficult to obtain. Where anonymous complaints are unable to be verified or investigated responses may not be supplied. 

Complaint Handling

Upon receipt of a complaint:

  1. eReports will provide acknowledgment of the complaint within 2 business days of receipt.
  2. The Complaints Officer and relevant Senior Manager will investigate the circumstances of the complaint and the issues raised. This is done in accordance with eReports Complaints Management Procedure.
  3. Upon completion of the investigation, a response will be supplied to the complainant within 10 business days, unless delays in the investigation process occur as noted above. Where resolution may extend beyond 10 working days, you will be notified.
  4. If you are unsatisfied with the response to your complaint, you may contact eReports on 1300 130 963 or respond in writing.

If eReports is unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you may refer the matter to any of the following:

  • The relevant Ombudsman 
  • If relating to doctor conduct, the relevant state/territory bodies. The Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency lists the relevant state/territory bodies on their website.
  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). 

The range of matters that could lead to consumer complaints is summarised on the ACCC website.

ACCC contact Details:

Telephone: 1300 302 502, 

Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.30pm AEST.  

ACCC office locations are available here


To view the full eReports Complaints Procedure, click here.

To download the eReports Complaints Submission Form, click here.